Shipping Policy

We are glad you chose us for your purchase. The following conditions define our shipping policy for all orders and purchases made on the platform.

Shipping Location

We ship all orders from Canada.

Order Tracking

You can view the status of your orders by visiting your account. The Order tab lets you view all your recent purchases. You can click on any current order to view their statuses.

Modifying Your Order

Our company is more than happy to allow you to change your orders. You can modify your orders by contacting us with an order number you are requesting a change for. Order changes are allowed prior to order being shipped. Once the order has left our premises, we are not able to make changes .

Expected Delivery Time

Expected delivery times depend of the shipping option you have chosen. Choosing different shipping options may impact the delivery time. We generally take dispatched in a standard two days post order placement working days to process and ship your orders.

You can also view the expected delivery time when you pay for your order and check out. However, high volume may impact shipping times and cause delays.


You can always contact us for any queries. We are available at


We believe in flexibility and let you pay using several methods. You can pick your preferred method while paying for your order during checking out. We support online payments only.

All the prices listed are in Canadian Dollars. 

Payment Plans

For bulk orders and B2B we might offer some consignment options upon approval, 

Shipping Policy

We pride ourselves on making deliveries simple and hassle-free. You can select your preferred shipping method from several options when you check out.

Our team takes dispatched in a standard two days post order placement business days to process your orders. A high volume of purchases may delay processing. You will always be able to track the status of your order from your account.

Shipping Methods

You can select the best shipping method for your needs when you order from our store. We utilize FedEx, UPS, Canada Post or courier delivery depending on the size of the package and destination. 

Orders are shipped once payment is received
Shipping Costs

Shipping costs are calculated based on several factors. The considerations include the nature of the item, weight, size, distance, and so on. You may also be liable to pay customs on your shipping as per applicable regulations (for orders out of Canada)

Our delivery partners always try to deliver your items at your convenience. Additionally, you may ask your delivery partner to leave your parcel with a neighbor.

International Shipping

International shipping may attract additional fees and taxes. You are liable to clear all charges to ensure a smooth delivery.


Our team is happy to entertain exchanges if the product is damaged or doesn’t meet the description. You can request us to exchange your order using the steps below:

Exchange requests need to be generated by contacting our team directly by email or phone.


We are glad to help you return your product if it turns out to be damaged. You may also be able to request returns for items that don’t match the product description. Follow the steps below to file a return request:

Return requests need to be generated by contacting our team directly

You can return or exchange your item for free if it is damaged or different from the description. However, in other cases, you may need to pay for the shipping charges.

Additionally, we may take The timeline depends on the availability of the product requested business days to process returns and exchanges.

Our team holds the ultimate right to decide whether to entertain your return or exchange request. We shall convey our decision and the cause regardless.

Return requests need to be generated by contacting our team directly


Affiliate Program

We don’t have an affiliate program at the moment. You can always check back later.

Physical Store

We do not have a physical store. However, you can find us in some local shops. You can also buy from us online for a great shopping experience.


Our products carry warranties for complete peace of mind. We guarantee the quality of product and packaging. In instances where the item got damaged in the process of shipping, we will replace the product free of charge.

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